viernes, 4 de agosto de 2017

Grammar points

Grammar points

What is passive voice: The passive voice is used to show interest 
in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the 

person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.
  • The passive voice is used frequently. (= we are interested in the passive voice, not in who uses it.)
  • The house was built in 1654. (= we are interested in the house, not in who built it.)
  • The road is being repaired. (= we are interested in the road, not in the people who are doing the repairs.)

Present Simple: Am/Is/Are+Past Participle.
Example:Wine is made from grapes.
               Many cars are made in Japan.
Past Simple: Was/Were+ Past Participle.
Example:John was invited to speak at the conference.
We were invited to Daniel and Mary’s wedding.
Future Simple: Will+Be+ Past Participle
Example:The contract will be signed tomorrow.
The documents will all be signed by next week.
Present Continuous: Am/ Is / Are+Past Participle.
Example:The document is being sent right now.
I am being sent to work in the London office.
Present Perfect: Have/ Has+Been +Past  Participle.
Example:That start-up has been sold for $5 million.
The rights to his book have been sold for $250,000.


In this part you will watch a video on youtube and then answer a series of questions about the video.

Click here to see the video:


1.- How is paper produced?

2.- What material is the paper made of?

3.-What components are mixed for processing?

4.-Is the paper made from the leaves of the trees?

5.-Does the process take several days?

martes, 1 de agosto de 2017


Instructions:Read the paragraph below.

Resultado de imagen para imagenes de una persona leyendo
When was modern football game started?

For centuries, people had local games where teams competed with  a ball, but the rules of our modern game of football weren´t  written  until 1863 in England. Today this exciting and skillfull sport is enjoyed all over the world. Every four years thirty-two countries  are allowed  to compete in the word cup. The 2015 word cup was watched by a TV audience of over thirty billion people. The sport is not played only by men.Wowen´s football is quickly becoming more popular.The first Women´s Word Cup took place in 1991 in China, where the competition was won by a team from the United States.

  • Read the paragraph again and make a summary with your own words ussing passive voice.


Instructions:Read the paragraph below.

Resultado de imagen para IMAGENES DE UN PERSONA LEYENDO

Who doesn´t like  sweets
Who  doesn´t like sweets? are loved by people everywhere- and not only by children.At our house a sweet dessert is enjoyed by the family after every meal.My favourite dessert was invited many years ago- by mistake!
One day in 1905 , a drink was left outside by an eleven -year old boy maned Frank Epperson .The drink had a mixing stick in it. It was very cold that night and the drink froze. When  the frozen drink was taken ot of the cup, is stayed on the stick. That´s how the first ice lolly eas created . Of course, ice lollies weren´t sold in shops immediately.After all, their inventor was only a boy !But eigtheen years later, frank Epperson opened an ice lolly factory.
Today , millions of this sweets creations are eatten worldwide.

  • Read the paragraph again  and write all the senteces that you found on it.


Resultado de imagen para imagenes de alguien pensando animada
Instructions: Complete the paragraph  below with the words in the box.
 give,  kill  ,make ,need ,not protect,  not understand.

Why were vaccines a great innovation?
Disease is one of man´s greatest enemies.Between 1347 and 1351 , about 25 million people in Europe._______________ bye the Black Death . Before vaccines, people________________ from disease. The first vaccine_______________in about 1800, but the  theory_______________for another 50 years. Today , vaccines________________ to most children in developed world, but more vaccines_____________in poorer countries.